A major problem with the Northeast is that it is just so darn crowded. Yes, there are some rural areas, but the overall population density of the region is so high that it would be really hard to go unnoticed for long in the event of a major economic collapse.
The Mid-Atlantic is one of the most beautiful areas of the nation. Unfortunately, it suffers from many of the same problems that the Northeast does.
Florida is generally not going to be a place that you want to be during an economic collapse. The housing market has absolutely collapsed down there and the crime rate is already very high. It is also very densely populated.
The Southeast has really taken a pounding over the last few years. First it was Hurricane Katrina, and then it was the BP oil spill and then it was the tornadoes of 2011.
One of my favorite places east of the Mississippi River are the mountains along the Tennessee/North Carolina border. If you must be in the eastern half of the United States, that is not a bad choice.
The Upper Midwest was once one of the great manufacturing regions of the world, but now much of it is known as the “rust belt”.
In the Southwest there are a whole lot of freedom-loving Americans, the weather is very warm and there is a lot of space to get lost.
As long as you are far enough away from the New Madrid fault, the Great Plains is not a bad choice.
During an economic collapse, the West Coast is not a place that you will really want to be. Just take a look at the state of California already. It is aneconomic nightmare.
Large numbers of freedom-loving Americans have been moving to the states of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. You can also throw eastern Washington and eastern Oregon into this category as well.
Neither Alaska or Hawaii is recommended. Alaska lies along the “Ring of Fire” and it is very, very cold. Also, almost everything has to be either shipped or flown into Alaska. In the event of a real economic collapse, supplies to Alaska could be cut off and shortages could develop very quickly.
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. That said, sometimes and ultimately real security can only be found in the shelter of the Most High! All men die. It is just a matter of when and how. "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28 NASB
Do what you can and don't sweat the rest. And remember: No Jesus, no peace! Know Jesus, know peace!; even in the midst of a storm.